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Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință)
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Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință)
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință)
ISSN print: 2495-1757
Publisher: Editions IARSIC, Les Arsc, France
Religious Counterterrorism: Actualities and Perspectives
Marian Simion
Digital Prayer as Social Assistance: Individuation, Transductive Reasoning and Freedom of Conscience
Stefan Bratosin
The use of Digital Social Media in Communicating Freedom of Religion or Belief: Child Protection and the Christian Family
Mihaela Alexandra Tudor
Promoting the Formation of Conscience as a Prerequisite for a Sustainable Society
Consuela Wagner
The Freedom of Conscience and Religion as a Manifestation of Civil Society
Vitaliy Dokash
Freedom of conscience and Religion in contemporary Secular theology. The case of Vito Mancuso and his Lay understanding of religion
Corneliu Simut
The Transylvanian Romanians and the 16th Century Reformation
Paul Brusanowski
Plea for Utopia
Laurentiu Florentin Mot
Religious Freedom and Social Security from an Evangelical Perspective
Elisei Rusu
Aspects of the Codex Îndreptarea Legii (Correction Law) and some Provisions on Religious Freedom, in the Social Context of the 17th-18th Century
Ioan Gheorghe Rotaru
Rolul Bisericii de conștiință a societății (The Role of the Church as a Conscience of the Society)
Sorin Badragan
Libertatea de Conștiință și Religioasă în contextul securității internaționale (Freedom of Religion or Belief in the Context of International Security)
Titus Corlatean
Online Education as a Factor of Expression of Freedom of Religion or Belief
Mihai Covaci
Management of Social Projects, Support for Religous and Consciousness Freedom
Brîndușa Covaci, Roxana Paraschiv