Libertatea de Conștiință și Religioasă în contextul securității internaționale (Freedom of Religion or Belief in the Context of International Security)
Freedom of conscience and religion, fundamental Human Rights and Liberties, terrorism, refugees, illegal migration, international securityAbstract
Freedom of Religion or Belief in the Context of International Security.
The freedom of conscience and religion, understood as a fundamental Human Right, became in the past few years subject of serious challenges within the current international security context. Increasing intolerance and religious fundamentalism, huge waves of refugees and/ or illegal migrants towards Europe, shocking inhuman terrorists acts committed by ISIS/DAESH have generated a more restrictive attitude from the European societies in relation with the previously consecrated free exercise of the fundamental Human Rights and liberties, including the religious freedom.
The new Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy is entirely emphasizing this serious European concern.
Finding the right balance between the necessity to guarantee the security of the nations, on one hand and the need to preserve the fundamental Human Rights and Liberties, on the other hand, implies the responsibility of the rational political leaders and the imperative of dialogue within the international society, including at the level of the relevant religious leaders.