Promoting the Formation of Conscience as a Prerequisite for a Sustainable Society


  • Consuela Wagner Institut für Bildung und Persönlichkeitsförderung, Pfinztal, Germany, Klammweg 1, 76327


conscience, conscience shaping, conditions, post-modern challenges


Human conscience – as inner moral court or as the dynamic ability to make decisions – represents the object of education and also its premise. A successful conscience shaping requires the fulfillment of certain conditions which, because of the post-modern context of our society, have become difficult to meet. For this reason, the conscience shaping process today is more than a personal task, becoming a social and political one also, with the purpose of securing a safe social environment.



How to Cite

Promoting the Formation of Conscience as a Prerequisite for a Sustainable Society. (2017). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 3(1), _.