Minority rights, protection, global context, instability, change, human rights.Abstract
Protection of Minority Rights in a Global Context of Instability and Change.
The protection of minority rights is vital in a global context of instability and change. Minority rights, such as the right to express cultural identity, the right to language, the right to education, the right to work and the right of access to public services, are protected by international treaties, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. However, implementing the protection of minority rights remains a challenge, as many minorities face discrimination and see their rights limited or neglected. To improve the protection of minority rights, governments and the international community can take several steps, including adopting policies and laws to protect minority rights and prevent discrimination, promoting education and public awareness of the importance of protecting minority rights and involving minorities in decision-making, and granting them equal access to public institutions. By protecting minority rights, a more tolerant and just society can be ensured.
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