
  • Conf. univ. dr. Samuiel Bâlc Institutul Teologic Baptist din București



Communication, motivation, theory, needs, religious freedom


Communication and Motivation in the Context of Religious Freedom

If by 1989 one of the major problems of the society was related to communication, due to political constraints, with the times of freedom everything changed, people being motivated to communicate openly with each other. Undoubtedly,  communication has never been regarded as something simple to achieve, a fact noticed even in the context of religious freedom. Therefore, people have been forced and must learn to communicate with each other. In this regard, one must know  both the things that underlie effective communication and what can motivate people in personal development and the achievement of the various objectives proposed. The present article outlines several theories of communication and  motivation in the context of religious freedom as well as some practical principles that must be taken into consideration if effective communication is desired. It can be stated and affirmed that the motivation regarding the achievement of both an  efficient communication and of the proposed objectives is also supported by the context of the religious freedom we live in.


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How to Cite

COMUNICARE ȘI MOTIVARE ÎN CONTEXTUL LIBERTĂȚII RELIGIOASE. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 7(1), 139-151.

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