Holy Trinity, creation, man, freedom, responsibilityAbstract
The reflection of the Holy Trinity in the creation and redemption of man: a foundation for understanding human freedom and responsibilities.
What is man? It is one of the most important questions, the biblical revelation gives the best answer. The study of human nature provides a special understanding of how God works. The way in which man is understood gives a certain nuance to the conception of his final destiny. Knowing the human nature is especially important due to the crisis present in man’s self-understanding. It should be noted that man is capable of incredible achievements but nevertheless man is unable to control himself. This article particularly highlights the fact that man is created by God in His image. This means that man should not be seen as a result of a random evolutionary process, but as the fruit of a conscious and planned act of God. Therefore, the rationale behind the existence of the human being consists in the intention of the Supreme Being. On the other hand, it must be remembered that the image of God in man is intrinsic. Man would not be man without Him. Only man is able to have a conscious personal relationship with the Creator and to respond to Him. Man can know God and understand what his Creator wants from him. The fact that man was created by an eternal God, highlights the fact that man also has an eternal future. Man is a social being, placed in society to function in relation to others. The value of man has been conferred on him by a higher source and this means that man is fully fulfilled only when he serves and loves that higher Being. In the creation and redemption of man is reflected the Holy Trinity which provides support for the understanding of human freedom and responsibilities. Man has received his life from God and continues to experience and enjoy life because of God’s care. Man has a unique place in creation, therefore he cannot limit his self-understanding only to his quality as a creature or to excuse his inappropriate behavior by blaming his instincts and impulses. Man is subject to precise limitations that arise from his nature. Man cannot know and do everything. This should give a certain note of humility to all our judgments.
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