
  • Conf. univ. dr. Samuiel Bâlc Institutul Teologic Baptist din București



freedom, conscience, responsibility, integrity, society


The Man of Integrity: Between the Freedom of Conscience and a Responsible Freedom

Understanding the freedom of conscience requires, first and foremost, the definition of the term of consciousness. Thus, in a general sense, consciousness is a faculty or judgment that leads to feelings of regret when man does things that are  against his moral values or that informs the moral judgment of man before a work is performed. Metaphorically, consciousness is known as the „inner voice”. In the current understanding, consciousness decides the character of personal actions,  motive and feelings, paying attention and condemning what is wrong and approving what is good. From a secular perspective, consciousness is a function of the human brain that has developed to facilitate altruism within society. Consciousness  is the reason behind the actions, the one that raises questions about good and evil and which is accompanied by feelings of approval or condemnation. From a theological perspective, consciousness is self-knowledge in relation to a known law  that defines what is good or bad. The moral standard has been embedded in human consciousness since creation. Therefore, freedom of conscience means that every man has the opportunity to judge his own deeds according to the moral  standards embodied in his being. This assumes responsibility and has the role of highlighting the integrity of a person in the midst of a morally and spiritually polluted society.


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How to Cite

OMUL INTEGRU: ÎNTRE LIBERTATEA CONȘTIINȚEI ȘI O LIBERTATE RESPONSABILĂ. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 8(1), 568-580.

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