
  • Conf. univ. dr. Ieremia Rusu Institutul Teologic Creștin după Evanghelie „Timotheus” din București



Jesus Christ, Christianity, Religions, Savior, Education, Tolerance


Christ, Religious Pluralism and Education.
In this article, the author analyzes the relationship of Christianity to other religions, in the conditions that Jesus Christ made exclusive statements about Himself, that He is the Only Savior of mankind. Following the analysis, it resulted that Jesus Christ is Unique, different from all the founders of religions, because He is God, He did not sin, He died as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of people and He is alive. The uniqueness of Christ has made biblical Christianity exclusive, narrow, but true, in a society characterized by religious pluralism. Comparing three fundamental doctrines from the main religions of the world, it resulted that they teach doctrines contrary to each other, therefore only one can be true, and this religion is Christianity. The solution proposed by the author is that the truth that Jesus Christ is the Only Savior of the world be proclaimed with love, without mitigation, but with an attitude of tolerance towards people who have different conceptions. This is how peace is maintained in society.


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How to Cite

CRISTOS, PLURALISMUL RELIGIOS ȘI EDUCAȚIA. (2025). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 12(3), 537-553.