
  • Conf. univ. dr. Ieremia Rusu Institutul Teologic Creștin după Evanghelie „Timotheus” din București



Religious freedom, Free will, Determinism, Indeterminism, Selfdeterminism, Sin


Religious Freedom and Man's Own Will

In this article, the author studies the relationship between religious freedom and human will. Is religious freedom guaranteed by law only a convention established in a democratic society, or is it a fundamental right, derived from the intrinsic  nature of the human being? God created man with free will and with the ability to choose. God respected man’s will, even when he chose to sin. The question is: How did the will of man fall into sin? The study analyzes the philosophical and  theological conceptions regarding the will of man: determinism, indeterminism, self-determinism. Further studying the teaching of the Bible, it turns out that, through the Fall, man’s intrinsic nature suffered profound degradation, which also  affected his will. But people have not lost their freedom of decision, and God respects man’s own will, even if this is affected by sin. God invite man to salvation, but he does not force anyone to choose salvation. If religion is not enforced by the  Creator, even more, human society must respect the freedom of conscience and religion of every citizen.


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How to Cite

LIBERTATEA RELIGIOASĂ ȘI VOINȚA PROPRIE A OMULUI. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 7(1), 361-371.