human rights, peace, war, peace with God, Prince of Peace, peace makerAbstract
Peace and Human Rights.
In this article, the author studies the importance of peace in respecting human rights. First of all, In the first part, the author analyzes peace, as a perennial human value, and he define it from a biblical perspective. Genuine and lasting peace is spiritual, and it springs from God. The Bible reveals the peace has three fundamental dimensions. First of all, there is the peace with God – the reconciliation of man with God, which was fulfilled by the Lord Christ through His death on the cross and through His resurrection, a peace received only by those who come with repentance and faith to the Savior Jesus. The second dimension is the peace of God – the peace of mind of the man who is reconciled to God and who lives under the authority of Jesus, the Lord of Peace. The third aspect is the peace with fellow men – which provides harmonious relations between persons or between communities and is a result of peace with God and inner peace. The Christian who received peace with God became a peacemaker in the community.
The conclusion of this study is that, in the absence of peace, human rights are violated much more easily and more seriously than in the context of peace. That is why, both in interpersonal relations and in the community, peace must be preserved and promoted, and conflicts must be resolved through dialogue, respecting human dignity and human rights.
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