
  • Conf. univ. dr. Ieremia Rusu Institutul Teologic Creștin după Evanghelie „Timotheus” din București



religious freedom, freedom of conscience, integrity, honesty, Covid-19


Integrity as the Basis of Freedom of Religion and Conscience

In this article, the author studies integrity and its role in the exercise of religious freedom and freedom of conscience. The first part of the article analyzes freedom of religion and conscience, and how they are protected by the law in Romania and Europe, but also how they are applied in pandemic conditions. In the second section, the author studies the concept of integrity, trying to define what integrity is, and to describe the behavior of an honest person. In the last part, the study focuses on the relationship between integrity and respect for religious freedom and freedom of conscience, concluding that integrity is an absolutely necessary feature for both leaders and ordinary citizens, in order to guarantee religious freedom to all citizens.


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How to Cite

INTEGRITATEA CA BAZĂ A LIBERTĂȚII RELIGIOASE ȘI DE CONȘTIINȚĂ. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 8(1), 434-446.