
  • Pr. Conf. univ. dr. Remus Onișor Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918”, Alba Iulia, Romania



prey, prophet, confession, private self, collective self, royal official


Freedom “as prey” from the Prophet Jeremiah.
The restauration of Israel is one of the main concerns of the prophet Jeremiah. Yahweh is the one who gives life to the people wherever they are,  as a gift, as a spoil of war. The deliverance of every believer from the bondage  of sin and death is a pleasing concern to the Lord. The prophet  Jeramiah is a model for any historical stage of man who fights to win his  freedom, offering himself as a paradigm of courage and daring. Ebed Melec,  an Ethiopian, therefore a stranger, a royal official in Jerusalem, trusts in  Yahweh more than any native or Israel. Many Jews, during the conquering of  the Holy citadel by the Babylonians, will die by the sword, by famine and by  plague, while a foreigner, Ebed Melec, will be protected and kept alive. An  authentic prophet shows how precious is the unforeseen and unexpected freedom obtained in a special historical context. The faithful man will be  under divine protection wherever and whenever, because the Lord offers him  a blessed freedom.



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How to Cite

LIBERTATEA „CA PRADĂ”LA PROFETUL IEREMIA. (2024). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 11(3), 189-202.

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