
  • Pr. Conf. univ. dr. Remus Onișor Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918”, Alba Iulia



epistle, dignity, value, exile, Jeremiah, prophet, Babylon


Human Dignity reflected in an Old Testament Epistle.

Jeremiah was considered a prophet of lamentation, but also one of courage and struggle for the survival and the good of his people. His whole prophetic activity was guided by the conviction that Yahweh was on the side of the people, even when they were in suffering. As a messenger of God, Jeremiah constantly had the feeling of divine support,  promised even since his call to prophecy. The Epistle of Jeremiah (29) has the gift of urging the Judean exiles of Babylon to accept their destiny and think about their establishment in the land where they were. Cooperation with the imperial administration will provide peace and well-being. God protects his people even outside the holy land.  Confidence in the future is the best option for the exiles, because dignity and human values can be preserved even in a foreign land. Life is the most precious commodity, and it must be done in such a way that it continues even when the outlook seems bleak. The turmoil of the soul increases the dignity of the message, well knowing that the Lord is  the one who gives the people „future and hope” (29,11).


• BOGAERT, Pierre-Maurice (ed.), Le livre de Jérémie, Leuven, Peeters, 1997, 414p.

• BROWN, Raymond E., Fitzmyer Joseph A., Murphy Roland E., Introducere și comentariu la Sfânta Scriptură, vol VI, Cronicile, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2011, 32p.

• FERRY, Joëlle, Illusions et salut dans la prédication prophétique de Jérémie, Berlin, de Gruyter, 1999, 428p.

• GILBERT, Maurice, Il a parlé par les prophètes, Bruxelles, Lessius, 1998, 401.

• KÜNG, Hans, Iudaismul, București, Hasefer, 2005, 792.

• MOTTU, Henry, Les „Confessions” de Jérémie, Genève, Labor et Fides, 1985, 202p.

• PHILIPPE, Roulet et DENIS, Muller (ed.), Jérémie, un prophète en temps de crise, Genève, Labor et Fides, 1985, 177p.

• RÖMER, Thomas, Discours de Jérémie, Aubonne, Ed. du Moulin, 1992, pp.69-156.

• RÖMER, Thomas, Jérémie, în Th. RÖMER, Jean-Daniel MACCHI et Cristophe NIHAN (ed.), Introduction à l’Ancien Testament, Genève, Labor et Fides, 2009, pp.426-438.

• SCHULTZ, Samuel J., Călătorie prin Vechiul Testament, Oradea, Cartea Creștină, 2001, 522p.




How to Cite

DEMNITATEA UMANĂ REFLECTATĂ ÎNTR-O EPISTOLĂ VECHI-TESTAMENTARĂ. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(1), 208-220.

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