
  • Pr. Conf. univ. dr. Remus Onișor Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia



Jeremiah, human nature, prophet, epistle, disapora, message, model


The delicate human nature of a biblical prophet and the rights acquired over the centuries.

Prophet’s Jeremiah’s message, in it’s many aspects, goes beyond the historical time in which the author lived and is updated in each generation. Human nature has always had dificulties in understanding the rights and obligations of any kind, in  different contexts. Focused on certain rights and liberties, the Jews from the Babylonian diaspora will be urged by Jeramiah to a paradigm shift. The model which the prophet offers is that even a foreign land can offer you a fundemantal personal  right: the joy of a faith that no one can take away from you. Faced with difficulties, human nature can adapt to new contextual requirements. Suffering can be creative, and the waiting can turn into a fertile dream. With it’s qualities and defects,  man must bet on the future, even when it looks bleek. Live and enjoy life even if it seems difficult, is the leitmotif of Jeremiah’s epistle to the Babylon exiles. The profethic message is always relevant especially when human rights are touched by different  ideoligical slippages.


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• Ridouard, André, Jérémie, l epreuve de la foi, Paris, Cerf, 1983.

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How to Cite

NATURA UMANĂ DELICATĂ A UNUI PROFET BIBLIC ȘI DREPTURILE DOBÂNDITE PESTE VEACURI. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(2), 108-120.

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