
  • Ps. dr. Lucian Răcilă Biserica Adventistă de Ziua a Șaptea, Conferința Oltenia, Craiova



valori moral-religioase, pandemie, religie, libertate religioasă, societate, crize globale


Moral-Religious Values – Balancing Factor in the Context of Global Crises.
In times of existential crisis, such as major global climate change crises, the refugee crisis, the stark impoverishment crises of some nations, or the Corona pandemic, people can turn to religious values/religiosity that help them make new sense of the depressing situation. Several recent studies have shown that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the  frequency of prayer, church attendance, online presence of believers, deeper searches for the meaning of life, especially among the young generation, has increased in several countries. „When life seems out of control...sacred-oriented beliefs and practices seem to have a special ability to provide ultimate meaning, order, and security in a place  filled with human question, chaos, and fear.”


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How to Cite

VALORILE MORAL-RELIGIOASE – FACTOR DE ECHILIBRU ÎN CONTEXTUL CRIZELOR GLOBALE. (2023). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 11(1), 205-226.