
  • Ps. dr. Lucian Răcilă Biserica Adventistă de Ziua a Șaptea, Conferința Oltenia




human nature, human rights, family, divorce, society, Christianity


The Phenomenon of Divorce in the context of Human Nature – Short Sociological Considerations from a Christian Perspective.

When we talk about human nature and its origin, we start at the same time with the concept of family. The living history of humanity, under its biological, psychological, socio-cultural, economic and political dimensions, belongs to the family, the coexistence of man and woman, the relations between them, the relations with children. The family has  proven to be one of the oldest and most stable forms of human community, the one that ensures the perpetuation of the human species, the evolution and continuity of social life, and the history of family evolution is nothing but the history of development and changes in marital roles. Family dissolution or divorce is a complex psychosocial  phenomenon that in its final form results in the dissolution of marriages. This can break when immature people want to run away from responsibility, but sometimes separated and divorced are attempts to escape from a destructive and painful relationship. The Christian vision on this subject requires a careful, deep and complex approach, given  the biological, social, psychological and spiritual implications.


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How to Cite

FENOMENUL DIVORȚIALITĂȚII ÎN CONTEXTUL NATURII UMANE – SCURTE CONSIDERAȚII SOCIOLOGICE DIN PERSPECTIVĂ CREȘTINĂ. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(2), 358-379. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6561279