
  • Ps. dr. Lucian Răcilă Universitatea din Craiova



familie, integritate, creștin, infidelitate, concubinaj, divorț, avort, migrație


Issues of the Integrity of the Contemporary Christian Family

The family is a divine institution founded by God since the creation of man, which has a sacred character, and an important mission, that of becoming a deep community of life and love, which preserves, discovers and communicates all Christian values. Against the growing background of the phenomenon of religious secularization, the integrity of the Christian family has suffered more and more value involutions, finding itself today at the time when serious problems such as infidelity, cohabitation, abortion, migration or domestic violence have taken strong roots in practical living. The solution would be a return to the roots of the Christian values provided for in the Bible, to a practical experience of them in the family as well as in the community, which would give rise to correct, integral and genuine Christian attitudes and behaviors in today’s society.


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How to Cite

PROBLEMATICI ALE INTEGRITĂȚII FAMILIEI CREȘTINE CONTEMPORANE. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 8(1), 321-344.