
  • Ps. dr. Lucian Răcilă Biserica Adventistă de Ziua a Șaptea, Conferința Oltenia



religiosity, human values, virtues, culture, society, health, religion


Religiosity - Foundation of Human Values.

Religiosity represents man’s desire to transcend everyday life to a higher, spiritual plane. It does not obey a certain dogma; but it represents a constant universal of human nature even for atheists, not just believers. Religiosity and spirituality represent two practical phenomena, which can interpenetrate or even confuse and which can influence the  values, attitudes and behavior of the individual, the group or a society. Human values can also be a type of mediator between religiosity and health. Religiosity affects not only certain demographic groups but also individuals by providing them with a sense of compassion, honesty and altruism, happiness and quality of life, physical and mental  health, and the importance of religious experience in moral functioning. There is a reciprocal relationship between religion and virtues. Individuals with strong religiosity manifest more and stronger virtues, operating most often in a social and community context. According to this understanding, one cannot conceive of a religious or spiritual  individual outside of the virtues and vice versa.


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How to Cite

RELIGIOZITATEA – FUNDAMENT AL VALORILOR UMANE. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(1), 345-369.