Securitatea socială şi administraţia publică în România
social security, legislative corpus, public administration, action, social partnersAbstract
The restoring of the state of law in Romania has determined, within the Romanian society, a deep process through which its fundamental values have come to be endowed with new definitions. The Romanian legislator has established an especially chosen situation within the legislative corpus to the concept of social security since, as we can see, some among its own composing elements may be found in the Constitution of Romania itself, thereby enforced as fundamental social values. Romania’s adhesion to the European Union has brought the Romanian perspective upon the social protection to harmonize itself in accordance with the European Union’social policies. The present study is the result of the interest we hold in the analysis of the actual degree into which the composing elements of the concept of social security are or not actually implemented and/or ruled at an adequate extent and in identifying the most suitable vectors for the possible actions due to be taken so that, should they be applied, all of the social partners would be able to contribute to the improvement of the mechanisms through which social security could effectively become a really existing phenomenon. Our conclusion is that nowadays in Romania, in spite of the whole current bunch of economical difficulties, social security is a domain of action inside of which, under the coordination of the Government of Romania, the public central and local administration does indeed dedicate all of its efforts to the goal of rendering effective the concerned juridical norms. Yet, unfortunately, these efforts do seem not to be enough. It would be necessary that all of the social actors, including the Romanian citizens understood as individual persons, should support the public administration’s action. We are also formulating a few personal opinions concerning the specific modalities of action for all among the social actors.