”Jus naturale”, ”Jus scriptum”, religious faith, liberty of conscience, liberty of religionAbstract
About the “Religious Faith” and its right to manifest in public space. From the “testimony of Conscience” and the “testimony of Constitutional Tradition” to the texts of international and national legislation.
From the pages of our paper, the reader could easy acknowledge the fact that the one of the fundamental liberties of the man, id est the liberty of the religious faith, manifest itself in the public space not only by a confession of faith, by a liturgical ceremonial, by a form of organization etc., but even by a civic liberty of every member of that Church (religious Cult) in the public debates of his city by agency of the Mass-Media. But, as the reality proves ”à l’evidence”, the members of the religious Cults do not enjoy always of a real and adequate time granted by the Mass-Media in order that they to be able to express and to convey the message of their religious faith and cultural values to their fellow country-man.
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