education, Romanian legislation, constitutional texts, international lawAbstract
About Religious education in Romania and its legal regime.
From the brief analysis and comparative evaluation of the texts of the Romanian legislation on religious education from 1948 until now, the reader can find that the legal regime from 1948-1989 is different from the one provided by the Romanian legislation since 1990. By introducing the religion lesson as an educational object into the analytical curriculum, the religious education system in Romania - provided for by the constitutional texts, the Education Laws and the Protocols concluded between the Ministry of Education and the State Secretariat for Cults - became largely similar to those in other democratic states of the world. With the entry of Romania into the European Union, the education system - high school and university-theological - also adapted to the requirements formulated by their competent bodies, which made the rules regarding religious education provided by domestic law to state in their content the basic principles enunciated by international law.
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