
  • Conf. univ. dr. Cătălina Mititelu Universitatea Ovidius din Constanţa, Romania




human rights, religious faith, liberty of religion, rulings and decisions


The Jurisprudence of the European Court on the Right to Religion. Considerations and Assessments.

By its rulings and decisions, taken according to the provisions of „the European Convention of the Human Rights”, „the European Court of Human Rights” created a real jurisprudence in the field of human rights, among which the leading place was also the right to religion. In order to understand, and at the same time to exemplify the way in which  the magistrates of the European Court perceived and pronounced themselves regarding the right to Religion, I examined and assessed some of rulings and decisions, which I referred to the text of the articles from the European Convention on Human Rights (cf. Art. 9 and 14). Since by the rulings and the decisions of the European Court - in various  cases regarding the right to religion - have been created several legal principles, and therefore a jurisprudence in this field, it is therefore necessary for the lawmakers and the magistrates of the E.U. States to know them and apply them whenever they have to do with “jus-dicere”.


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How to Cite

JURISPRUDENȚA CURȚII EUROPENE PRIVIND DREPTUL LA RELIGIE. CONSIDERAȚII ȘI EVALUĂRI. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(2), 168-187. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7391580

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