religious denominations, legal instruments, freedom of religion, the constitutional textAbstract
Constitution of the Italian Republic. Relations between the State and the Church and the right to freedom of Religion.
From the text of this study - which is in the field of constitutional law - the reader can see that both the relations between the State and the Church were regulated by the Constitution of the Italian Republic in accordance with the provisions of the Lateran Pacts. In 1948, when this Constitution was promulgated, the legislator also took into account - with regard to the right to freedom of religion - the following provisions of principle set out in the texts of the main international and European Union legal instruments (cf. Art. 19 Constitution of the Italian Republic). However, in order to understand the reality in Italy regarding relations between the State and the Church and the right to freedom of religion, it should be borne in mind that there are two types of regulations in this country, some of which are regulated by the texts of the Lateran Pacts and the Constitution, and others based solely on the constitutional text and special laws. The first regulations concern only the Catholic Church, which according to the constitutional text is independent and sovereign in its own field (cf. Art. 7 Constitution of the Italian Republic). The second type of regulations concern only the other religious denominations, which enjoy the same freedom before the law, but whose relations with the State are regulated only on the basis of the constitutional text and special laws, the latter being the result of agreements between the Italian State and their representatives (cf. Art. 8 Constitution of the Italian Republic).
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