
  • Conf. univ. dr. Mihai Handaric Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, Romania




Human freedom, morality, interpretation of Scripture, MacIntyre, the method of tradition


The Tension between Human Freedom, Morality and Reason from a Biblical Perspective.
In this article we will talk about the tension between human freedom, morality and the interpretation of Scripture. The subject is important, it is recognized that the text of the Bible made humanity aware of the human values promoted in modern civilization: human freedom, human rights, division of powers in the state, gender equality, freedom of  expression, etc. We will show that the paradigm shift in the interpretation of the biblical text, from modernity and postmodernity, influenced the understanding of individual freedoms and human values. In postmodernism there has been a deep crisis in the understanding of Christian moral values. Deconstructivism has influenced most areas of life. There is a tension between individual and moral freedom. We admit that the rules of moral behavior are seen as a limitation of human freedom. We will analyze the factors that contributed to the emergence of the moral crisis in Western society, and which subsequently led to a change in the way human freedoms were developed. We will refer  to Alasdair MacIntyre’s book, entitled „Three Rival Versions of Moral Inquiry (1990),” which presents: the Method of Tradition, the Method of Reason - from the Modern period, and the Method of Power - of the imposition of force - from the Postmodern period. We will argue that the method of tradition both in the moral field and in the interpretation of Scripture remains the respective interpretation. There will be presented the shortcomings of the rationalist method and the postmodern method. We support the method of tradition to be correct, showing that reason thinks properly when it does not seek to be neutral or disinterested, but participates in a certain community, through total  commitment. Regarding the claim of the biblical text as being revealed, we will remember Rudolf Otto (Sacred) and Mircea Eliade, who uses the term hierophany. We will challenge the effort to change the traditional method of interpreting the biblical text, which has governed traditional biblical interpretation for 3,500 years, and replace it with questionable methods that attempt to ignore the historicity of the text and the authority of the Bible. Based on the analysis done, we consider that a balance can be kept between reason, freedom of the individual and the morality prescribed by the biblical text supported in the Christian tradition. 


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How to Cite

TENSIUNEA DINTRE LIBERTATEA UMANĂ, MORALĂ ȘI RAȚIUNE DIN PERSPECTIVĂ BIBLICĂ. (2024). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 11(2), 228-261. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10557398