refugee, war, human dignity, compassionAbstract
Christian Compassion Towards Refugees - A Case Study, Refugees in Ukraine.
One of the most difficult crises that a person can go through is the crisis of being a refugee. According to The U.N. Refugee Agency records, today there are the largest number of refugees, over 100 million, that have ever existed on the globe. The ongoing war in Ukraine has generated millions of refugees, of all ages and from all walks of life. In this article I have presented, on the one hand, the status of refugees, and on the other hand, the responsibility of Christians to provide assistance, material help, shelter, and moral support to refugees. Refugees, like other people, are bearers of the divine image, they are people in great difficulty, and Christianity is a religion of compassion, mercy and love. Every Christian must imitate the perfect example of compassion and care for his or her fellows after the model of Jesus Christ.
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