unity, identity, mission, confession, dialogue, communion, spirituality, Church, nation, faith, salvationAbstract
Identity, Unity and Mission
The problem of the unity of faith and the theological dialogue are two main concerns of the contemporary theology and theologians. The interferences of the Christian religious space, and not only this aspect, are invoked nowadays by the rapid changes from the social, cultural and economic environment. Europe, a synthesis-continent of two worlds, the Orient and the Occident, is forced today, not for the first time in the history, to establish its spiritual borders and to (re)define its own culture. The first approach, from this perspective, was the theme of the unity, a fact that has led to an over-state: the European Union. This challenge, first of all, has led to the resurrection of the desire for Christian unity – in few states, to be honest – and especially to the restructuring of the religious feeling based on the liberty of consciousness of the human being. Secondly, it has stimulated and has reconsidered the national feeling of the member states, each of them with its cultural, spiritual, linguistic, etc. specificity. After 100 years from the Great Union from 1918, the Romanians are asked to confess their unity of nation, culture and faith. If the final judgement of the human race is a fact for the future and one of its issues will be the nation (Apoc. 5:9), we have to meditate on the answer given by our Romanian nation.
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