holiness, grace, deification, anthropology, salvation, light, person, axiologyAbstract
The Value of Man and the Metamorphoses of His Deification in the Work of Saint Simeon the New Theologian (949-1022).
In contemporary society, man’s value opens new dialogue topics in almost all areas of daily life. The pandemic crisis, and the countless wars, which shake human nature from the foundations, are just some of the challenges of the secular world that call man only an immanent reality subject to historical migration and with a finality that leads more to despair than to transcendent aspirations. Eastern spirituality, through the life, work, and impact of the theophanic experiences of Saint Simeon the New Theologian (949-1022), reiterates the axiology of Christian anthropology towards the azimuth of humanity with perfect values in the divine-human Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnated Son of God. He becomes the effervescent factor in the turmoil of the whole human race. Only man, full of divine grace, becomes the embodied model of perfect morality. Beyond the purely social ethic, living holiness through collaboration with divine and deifying energies has remained the template of social conduct par excellence for over two thousand years, a humble example of general human value and a desideratum of salvation history.
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