Freedom of religion, a cultural issue in the clash of civilizations


  • Stefan Bratosin Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, France, Route de Mende, 34199 Cedex 5 & IARSIC-CORHIS EA 7400.


religious liberty, culture, symbolic forms, Signsof the Times, clash of civilizations


The article reproduces the partial results of a research that shows that religious freedom is a cultural issue. It demonstrates that freedom of religion is gained or lost in a culture long before this culture can constitute the origins of a civilization. The objective is to explain how freedom of region gains meaning in the cultural context practiced by the journalists of the American journal "Signs of the Times".



How to Cite

Freedom of religion, a cultural issue in the clash of civilizations. (2017). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 2(1).