
  • Drd. Emanuel Sălăgean Universitatea din București



liberty, identity, integrity, self


Freedom of Conscience - Determining Factor in the Formation of Identity and in the Assertion of Integrity

In this paper, we will present how identity and integrity are determined by the three levels of freedom presented by Adler J. Mortimer and his team in the study: The Idea of Freedom: A Dialectical Examination of the conception of Freedom. These  three models of freedom are correlated with the experience of the self through which the moral development of the human being takes place in the approach to identity and integrity: (1) circumstantial freedom - selfrealization; (2) acquired  freedom - self-perfection and (3) natural freedom - selfdetermination. This approach wants to show once again that the human being has value and is endowed with abilities that give him or her the opportunity to desire and aim for high ideals  and that the deepest meaning of freedom does not consider, first, the essence of the human being, but its existence, not what man is, but what he or she can become. Therefore, the person’s concern to reach the natural freedom is directly  proportional to his willingness to open himself to Divinity, nature and fellows. In this experience to search for freedom that offers the highest fulfilment in life, Jesus Christ is the perfect model, but the examples of other special people from  Scripture or Christian and universal history can also be very inspiring.


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How to Cite

LIBERTATEA DE CONȘTIINȚĂ – FACTOR DETERMINANT ÎN FORMAREA IDENTITĂȚII ȘI ÎN AFIRMAREA INTEGRITĂȚII. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 8(1), 522-553.