
  • Asist. univ. dr. Beni Mocan Universitatea „Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, România



pluralism, human flourishing, religious experiences, church, common good


Christian Faith and Religious Pluralism: Seeking a Common Ground for Human Flourishing.
This article explores the intersection of Christian faith and religious pluralism, focusing on how these elements can converge to foster a shared vision of human flourishing. Religious pluralism, a hallmark of contemporary society, is examined not merely as a sociological fact but as a theological opportunity for constructive engagement. Drawing on the works of Amos Yong, James K. A. Smith, and Miroslav Volf, the discussion frames pluralism as a space where Christians can embody humility, hospitality, and reconciliation. Key theological themes, such as the role of the Spirit in diverse religious traditions and the transformative power of interfaith dialogue, are explored to emphasize the importance of mutual understanding and cooperation. Religious experience is presented as a universal language, transcending doctrinal boundaries and fostering empathy and connection, with insights from Diana Eck, Sarah Coakley, and Rudolf Otto supporting this perspective. The concept of human flourishing is defined holistically, integrating physical, emotional, spiritual, and ecological dimensions. Drawing from Abraham Kuyper’s sphere sovereignty and theologies of creation by Niels Henrik Gregersen, Elaine Howard Ecklund, and Amos Yong, the article highlights the interdependence of humanity, creation, and divine purpose. The eschatological vision of flourishing presented by N. T. Wright and the ecological commitments emphasized by Norman Wirzba illustrate how Christians are called to care for creation while anticipating the fullness of God’s kingdom. By engaging religious diversity through theological reflection, interfaith practices, and public action, this article argues that Christians can contribute meaningfully to the common good. It concludes with a call for the church to adopt its role as a catalyst for justice and reconciliation, emphasizing that the transformative power of the gospel is most evident when lived out in collaboration with others. Through this vision, the article demonstrates how Christian faith can respond to the challenges of pluralism by fostering a shared commitment to human flourishing.


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CREDINȚA CREȘTINĂ ȘI PLURALISMUL RELIGIOS: ÎN CĂUTAREA UNUI TEREN COMUN PENTRU BUNĂSTAREA UMANĂ. (2025). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 12(3), 702-713.