Libertatea în Cetatea Greacă (Freedom in the Greek Fortress)
freedom, conscience, fellowship, morality, antichity, fortress, modernity, society, democracyAbstract
Historically, the idea of freedom originates at the beginning of times, as being strongly emphasized in Greek mythology, providing lessons and conclusions interfering with modern society. It is amazing how such a journey on the wings of time. Ignoring any local aspect, we notice human natural tribulations have always existed, and great efforts have been made, most often with material and immaterial sacrifices, but especially human. The transition from “fortress” to “society” constitutes an extremely vast and complex topic, each of them having its strengths and weaknesses, according to each individual’s principles. What is certain, is that freedom is inherent to the human being, and forfeiting it means “to renounce your liberty is to renounce your status as a man, your rights as a human being, and even your duties as a human being. There can’t be any way of compensating someone who gives up everything. Such a renunciation is incompatible with man’s nature; to remove all freedom from his will is to remove all morality from his actions.”