
  • Pr. Conf. univ. dr. Stelian Manolache Academia Oamenilor de Știință din Romania
  • Pr. dr. Stelian Ioan Manolache Biserica Ortodoxă Română “Sfinții Arhangheli Mihail și Gavriil”, Brașov



Individualism, religious pluralism, syncretism, Cosmic Jesus, gnosis


The consequences of religious pluralism and the (re)spell of the postmodern world.
If at the beginning of modernity, Europe only knew Christianity - including its first Protestant forms - and, after the Spanish reconquest, Judaism and Islam were reduced to their Ottoman expression, contemporaneity de facto forced the old continent to assimilate religious pluralism, one founded on the coexistence and the continuous and unlimited interaction of a multitude of religious ideas, beliefs and practices. At least in some places, after the French Revolution of 1789-1799, until today’s European reality, it is a real melting pot of religions, an amalgam of “spiritual offers”, a competitive market of advanced soteriological “solutions” (Peter L. Berger) , alongside Christian confessions, religions, more or less coherent, more or less syncretic, coming from all corners of the world. As a result, the multi-criteria research of the cohabitation situations of different religions is necessary and timely, an increased interest a. for Christian polymorphism in Western Europe (the modern and postmodern particularities of Western Christianity; epistemological subjectivism, ecclesiological deinstitutionalization and indifferentism / doctrinal relativism; “initiative “religious” and “psychopathy” - functional specificities); b. historical precedents (interference of Christian denominations in history, pastoral aspects and missionary ethics; Christianity and Islam between tolerance and conflict, theological elements of Judeo-Christian coexistence and relations); c. Romanian aspects and interpretations of the interaction of religions (Transylvania – space of religious confluence; ethnicity and confession in the era of the Reformation; aspects of religious tolerance among Romanians; problems of the Reformation in Transylvania; Romanians and the Reformation – historical, cultural, social problems, analyzes and diagnoses , political, interethnic, interconfessional and identity); d. benchmarks and teachings of cohabitation (the cultural effects of religious interactions; motivations, implications and consequences of a socio-political order; effects and implications at the identity level; the interaction of religions, between tolerance and missionaryism; orthodox perspectives regarding the management of confessional heterogeneities); e. historical Christian religions and the new religious movements (the genesis and evolution of the new religiosity; the characteristics of the new religious movements: subjectivism, relativism, deinstitutionalization, syncretism; the perspectives of traditional religions; the new religiosity – pastoral-missionary considerations); f. aspects of Christian-Muslim cohabitation in the
Christian West (the Muslim community between integration and autarky; Islam and the temptations of the consumer society; the Islamic community between fundamentalism and the pressure of modernity; democracy in Islam - interpretations, premises and perspectives; pastoral-missionary confluences and antinomies ; Islam and Christianity - an inevitable conflict?). Among these topics listed above, we have chosen to present in this international symposium in the Romanian Parliament in Bucharest, Consequences of religious pluralism and the (re)enchantment of the postmodern world/postmodernity and the resurrection of spirituality, a theological assessment from an orthodox personalist perspective.


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How to Cite

CONSECINȚELE PLURALISMULUI RELIGIOS ȘI (RE)VRĂJIREA LUMII POSTMODERNE. (2025). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 12(2), 591-618.