Declaration of Universal Human Rights of 1948, freedom of religious conscience of man, Holy Scripture about the Image of God reflected in the conscience of man, Holy Fathers John Chrysostom, Saint Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Theodoret of Cyrus, about the face and freedom in the human consciousnessAbstract
The Face of God and the liberty of the man – An analytical attempt from the perspective of Orthodox anthropology.
Given the indisputable topicality and global significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of those rights listed as effectively fundamental to achieving the general human ideals of freedom and justice, our study aims to make a diagnosis of their foundations and theological dimensions in orthodox point of view. We will thus consider the identification and evaluation of those biblical and patristic elements that make the idea of freedom, its understanding, assumption and responsible capitalization, a determining constitutive attribute of human nature and, implicitly, an inalienable right of every human person in part. At the same time, we will detect and analyze the implications of Christian anthropology, respectively of the theology of the image and similarity on fundamental rights and freedoms. From the rich material available to us, we will briefly present two of the essential systematic perspectives on the issue in mind, in this case the vision of the important Lutheran theologian Jürgen Moltmann and the Official Document dedicated – in 2008 – to the issue of human rights by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.
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