
  • Assoc. Prof. George-Mircea Botescu, PhD University of Bucharest, Romania



social ontology, crime, real crime, unreported and undiscovered crime, recorded crime (under investigation or trial), sanctioned crime (convicted), crime volume, dark figure of crime, white figure of crime, social cohesion, moral and legal values, human rights, Human dignity


Real Crime and Social Ontology.
Comprehensive Criminology, developed by George C. Basiliade (Comprehensive Criminology, Expert Publishing, 2006, 903 pages, awarded the Romanian Academy Prize in 2006), is not only an encyclopedic treatise, unique in Romanian specialized literature, but also an original concept in the epistemology and ontology of crime, setting itself apart in both European and global criminological research. Unfortunately, this work remains insufficiently known and inadequately integrated into the academic value circuit. This analytical endeavor reveals the Romanian researcher’s ontological vision of real crime. Basiliade’s analysis of real crime (Chapter 2, ”Real Crime, Investigated or Pending Trial Crime and Sanctioned Crime”, pp. 462-476) through the multifocal lens of comprehensive criminology, presents a complex vision with social ontological virtues, anticipating significant transformations in researching crime in postmodernity dealing with the axiology and ethics of human rights, devoted to human dignity


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• BASILIADE, George & colab., “Ancheta socială în sistemul probațiunii judiciare”, Consfatuire Natională de Medicină Legală, 1964.

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• BOTESCU, George-Mircea, “Comprehensive criminology - a teleological and hermeneutical perspective on criminal behaviours”, Jurnalul Libertatii de Conștiință, vol. 9, nr. 2, 2021, Editions IARSIC.

• BOTESCU, George-Mircea, “Comprehensive criminology. A reflective and Christian approach to the rationalist paradigm of free will”, Jurnalul Libertatii de Conștiință, vol. 10, nr. 1, 2022, Editions IARSIC.

• BOTESCU, George-Mircea, “Comprehensive Criminology:A Heuristic Perspective on Participation and Plurality in Group and Organized Crime”, Jurnalul Libertatii de Conștiință, 2023, vol. 11, nr.1, pp.125-144.

• BOTESCU, George-Mircea, “Criminologia integrativă și dimensiunea noologică (Integrative Criminology and the Noological Dimension)”, Jurnalul Libertatii de Conștiință, vol. 8, nr. 1, 2020, Editions IARSIC.

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• ROTARU, Ioan-Gheorghe, “A look at how the concept of human rights has evolved over time”, in Journal For Freedom of Conscience ( Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință), vol. 11, nr. 2 (2023), pp. 825-874.

• ROTARU, Ioan-Gheorghe, “The Transylvanian Diet: A Precedent to Human Rights and Religious Freedom - 400 Years Prior to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, in Shaping a World of Freedoms: 75 Years of Legacy and Impact of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Nelu Burcea and Liberato C. Bautista (eds.), New York, United Nations Plaza, UNEQUAL World Research Center, 2023, pp. 205-221.

• ROTARU, Ioan-Gheorghe, “Libertatea religioasă – temelie a demnităţii umane” (“Religious freedom - foundation of human dignity”), in Daniela Ioana Bordeianu, Erika Androne, Nelu Burcea, Manual pentru liderul Departamentului de Libertate religioasă, Bucureşti, Casa de editură “Viaţă şi Sănătate”, 2013, pp. 210-215.

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• The Sage Book of Criminological Theory, Eugene McLaughlin and Tim Newburn (eds.), Sage Publications, 2010.




How to Cite

REAL CRIME AND SOCIAL ONTOLOGY. (2025). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 12(2), 394-402.