freedom, paulin, Christianity, slavery, Church, Roman EmpireAbstract
The Atmosphere of the Pauline Era - the Preamble to the Christian Revolution of Freedom.
The socio-political environment of the time of the mission of St. Paul helps us to understand some of the frameworks of Pauline thinking, the way in which Saint Paul took on some ideas of the times and inserted them into his system of thinking. Especially since there are today those who say that Providence prepared the emergence and development of the Roman Empire in a form that would allow the most effective dissemination of the Gospel, the coincidence between the beginning of the Empire and the appearance of Christianity is by no means coincidental. Thus thinks, for example, Meliton of Sardis, who in a letter to the Emperor Marcus Aurelius states that: “It is a very great proof of its perfection that our doctrine flourished with the happy beginning of the empire.” This theme will also be repeated by B. Pascal or Ch. Peguy. Even though today this theory does not have many supporters, it helps us to understand the real environment of the spread of the Gospel by St. Paul, for since he heard the call of the Macedonian (cf. Acts 16:9), the great apostle has made the Roman world an immense and prolific field of evangelization.
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