
  • Pr. Asist. univ. dr. Marian Robert Puiescu Arhiepiscopia Targoviștei



freedom, values, religion, Christianity, revelation


Human Values and Religious Freedom.

Human values are a reflection of the immortal principles springing from the will of God, which shine in our world the divine attributes. Human freedom is the most precious divine gift that supports the permanent human ascent towards perfection. Between values and freedom there is a close connection, because without freedom, man cannot  deepen the values in his life, and without values he cannot live freely. Values, like freedom, manifest the will of God and guide man towards the fulfillment of his vocation. The true and unique values are only those that derive from the will of God, because there are also so-called values as an expression of all kinds of ideologies, which in fact are only  the distorted expression of truth and human will enslaved to sin, darkness and death.


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How to Cite

VALORILE UMANE ȘI LIBERTATEA RELIGIOASĂ. (2023). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(3), 436-441.