hymn, worship, liturgy, Protestant music, ReformationAbstract
Affirming Freedom and Human Rights Through the Protestant Hymn.
In the historiographic space, the Reformation refers to the movement to affirm freedom and human rights that appeared in Europe in the second decade of the 16th century and was led by the Augustinian Martin Luther (1483-1545). The ideology of the Reformation was most meaningfully reflected through the musical expression of the Protestant hymn. Over time, hymnological, liturgical, and musicological research, reflecting the influence of historicism, continued to influence church music and some other musical orientations. In the Protestant liturgy, metrical hymns are an important part of congregational worship. Protestant music has a deep functional and theological character, a history of its own, a specific writing, a particular aesthetic, being dominated by the theological ideas of the texts, and having a precise liturgical function. In the era of digitization and global crises, the huge heritage of Protestant hymnology that liturgical and musicological research has brought with it the development of new forces responsible for the currents of affirming freedom of expression in the global cultural crisis within the social, religious, political, and economic human conditions.
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