musical language, human personality, human rights, human origin, interpersonal relationshipsAbstract
Musical language is a universal right of human beings.
Human personality it’s an distinctive atribute of human beings which forms at the same time as their devclopement. This trait is exclusevly human. Due to their personality, human beings are unique among living things and thier personality traits make each unique among humans. Their individual development happens naturally through interpersonal relations, and the exchange of values. The arts are a communication vehicle and is expressed through the artistic language. Human behavior is continuosly manifested in the relationahips with others, and create an exchange of moral and material values. The origin of human nature according to Christian concepts is Divine, and the personality of human beings is a result of their creation in God’s image. God has impartetd the human race with honour and glory and allowed them to tule over their own works. In God’s relation with humans, musical language is very important. The modalities through which God reveales himself vary, but all show his hollines and his divine perfection. Through these communication forms, humans are in communion with God and are motivated by a true relationship with him. To conclude, the divine origin of humans represent the fundament for the universal rights of humans.
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