digital age, technology, internet, communication, distortion, aggressionAbstract
Distortion and Aggression in Communication in the Digital Age.
In the Digital Age, communication has undergone a radical transformation, bringing with it both advantages and challenges. An obvious trend is the increase in distortion and aggression in communication. With the proliferation of online platforms, people express their opinions with greater freedom, but this has also led to the spread of misinformation and aggressive tones in discussions. This manifestation of aggression in communication through technology and the Internet brings with it serious damage to the mental integrity and emotional comfort of users. Aggression in online communication can be exacerbated by the anonymity afforded by the platforms, which encourages some to express their frustrations and anger in ways they would not in person. Sharp tones, personal attacks and harsh language can quickly damage constructive dialogue and lead to conflict escalation. The computerization of everyday life is not reducible only to communication processes, but represents the involvement of information and communication technology in more and more activities in all areas of society, which increases the desire of those interested to insert such „games of digital aggression” in the entire social network and finally to distort value systems. This type of communication creates discomfort for a category of internet users by activating, penetrating, viewing and infecting websites and personal and professional emails, a fact that is becoming an increasingly common abuse. Through this article I intend to highlight the aggressive aspects in digital communication, which can in this sense become unsafe and abusive, but on the other hand I intend to show the importance and usefulness of technology and the Internet when used responsibly and with full communication respectful and useful in digital documents.
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