Individual identity, social identity, national identity, group, community, social realityAbstract
Outline of individual and collective identity in the context of social reality.
Identity, defined as similarity, likeness, communion, unity, permanence is marked by the prism of the human being. To have an identity is to have a certain status, to be someone, to be able to identify themselves according to something. Individuals acquire the meaning of reality together as they build it together and become members of that society together. Identity formation is a social construction, because it is the product of society’s action on the individual, the individual’s autonomy in the formation and conduct of their own actions, resulting in the construction of their own identity. Referring to social identity, this is built by a double membership of the individual in the group, the formal group and the psychosocial group. Social identity sums up all the criteria that allow a social definition of the individual or group, that is, what the individual is in a determined social framework and is totally an identity assigned, ie a consensual identity conferred by most other individuals or social groups. The purpose of this article is to achieve a trajectory of identity types, highlighting the identity of an individual in relation to others, with society, with the nation in the context of social reality.
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