
  • Delia-Mariana Ardelean, Assoc. Prof. PhD “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
  • Liana Rozalia Rotaru, Psih. The County Center of Resources and Educational Assistance, Romania


democratic society, self-knowledge, self-image, self-consistency, work, profession, career


Anyone who wants a successful career should be directly involved in building it. This implies each individual´s initiative in choosing, orienting and developing their career. The beginning of the new millennium has drifted the world, many prevalent trends being manifested in contradicting ways: abundance versus poverty, better health and  healthcare versus incurable diseases, gain and access to technology versus technological gap, as not anyone is able to use this technology, control over nature, given the knowledge on its elements, forces and species versus environmental degradation due to human intervention, with profound, unintentional, but potentially life-threatening effects;  better living conditions versus persistent differences between people, education versus lack of access to education. Education is a human right and it plays an essential role in choosing one´s career and this choice is and should be personal and free.


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How to Cite

DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY AND THE RIGHT TO CAREERS OPEN BY SELF-KNOWLEDGE AND A POSITIVE SELF-IMAGE. (2023). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 6(2), 420-431.