
  • Laurențiu Florentin Moț, Assoc. Prof. PhD Adventus University


apocalypticism, freedom of speech, nearness, Parousia, eschatology


Freedom of speech is a core value of democracy. This has to be regulated and protected by law. When the discourse falls within the limits accepted by the law and is still of a doubtful value, the only solution is education. The focus of the paper is such a discourse, which regards the exaggerations regarding the end of the world. As old as the first  Christian generation, the feeling of urgency and soonness has been nurtured and promoted. At times, this expectation has been exaggerated to the point where there is almost no benefit, either at a personal level or in the community or the society at large. Apocalypticism and eschatological exaggeration is amply testified in history, therefore the  paper touches upon the Olivet Discourse in the hope to clarify and argue that there is no way to anticipate the approach of the end of the world or the return of Jesus based on the so-called signs of the end.


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How to Cite

APOCALYPTIC HYSTERIA AND THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. (2023). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 6(2), 320-336. https://jurnal.constiintasilibertate.ro/index.php/freedom/article/view/640