James Henry Rushbrooke, Baptist World Alliance, Romania, religious liberty, King Carol II of Romania, Charles A. Brook, Leon Averbuch, Baptist Union of RomaniaAbstract
J. H. Rushbrooke, A defender of Religious Freedom from Romania in the Interwar Period
The creation of Great Romania in 1918 brought with itself, in a more acute way as before, the question of respecting religious freedom. This is more so since our country has been enriched not only from the point of view of the population but also of the religious values. Thus, although we are talking about a confessional pluralism, the assurance of religious freedom in Romania had a sinuous evolution during the interwar period. Statutory in the legally fundamental act, the Constitution of 1923, the implementation in practice was a tough one that encountered various obstacles. Although affirmation of equality before the law and freedom of conscience, including here as of religion, as stated explicitly in Article 5 of the Constitution of 1923, evangelical or non-Protestant confessions (Baptists, Christians after the Gospel, Adventists, Pentecostals) had to fight for their rights. This is the general framework that requires the intervention of Dr. J. H. Rushbrooke, the British Baptist leader, initially commissioner for Eastern Europe from the Baptist World Alliance, then general secretary and president of the organization. By reporting abuses and violations of religious rights and freedoms, we are talking about a violation of freedom of conscience in the sense enunciated by the constitution of the Romanian Kingdom. Based on these aspects, the study presents the role of Dr. J. H. Rushbrooke as a defender of religious freedom in Romania between 1920-140 based on the archive documents as well as the press in Romania and the West of that period. The motivations and context that made Dr. J. Rushbrooke’s interventions necessary, the issues raised by him, the responses of the authorities and the results of his efforts are considered.
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