
  • Diac. Lect. univ. dr. Răzvan Brudiu Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia, Romania
  • Std. Răzvan-Petru Mircea Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia, Romania




Kingdom of heaven, The value of freedom, Christianity


My Kingdom is not of this World. The Value of Life from the Perspective of Spiritual Citizenship.

In the present study we sought to analyze the relationship between Church and State from a historical and biblical point of view, having a missionary and theological perspective, in a short but focused form, easy to read even for the public that is less familiar with theology. Our efforts consist in trying to outline in a few pages an objective analysis of  this relationship, starting from Christʼs statement: ‟My kingdom is not of this world” ( John 18:36), and going through the entirety of Christian history, up to the present day, referring especially to the significant events that irreversibly influenced both the life of the Church and that of the State. Apart from the theological concepts evoked, and  through which we tried to provide a clear explanation of how the Church approached this relationship over time, we also referred to certain scriptural texts, interpreted from an Orthodox perspective, which have the role to provide a deep, theological understanding of Jesusʼ attitude towards this relationship. We also used details and historical data,  which give accuracy to the text, and which, at the same time, help us to understand the context of the pronouncement of certain decisions and to notice the factors that contributed to their taking, irreversibly influencing the Church-State relationship.


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How to Cite

„ÎMPĂRĂȚIA MEA NU ESTE DIN LUMEA ACEASTA”. VALOAREA VIEȚII DIN PERSPECTIVA CETĂȚENIEI SPIRITUALE. (2023). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(3), 298-314. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7394409