secularization, matrimony, familial integrity, moral conscience, social responsibility, Church, Christian valuesAbstract
Religious and Moral Conscience and Social Responsability as Foundations of the Integrity of the Contemporary Family
The typical secularization of the modern society in which we live affects the Sacrament of Matrimony both by the tendency of paradoxical individualization of both husband and wife and mostly by the attack to the sacramental nature of matrimony; an attack which focuses on defining marriage as something strictly social, without any religious implications. Beyond the spiritual dimension of the family through the assumption of the veiled toil of the wedding, by virtue of a lucid religious conscience, social responsability can be counted as another factor through which the integrity of the family can be preserved. The purpose of this study is that of showing, based on Holy Scripture’s referential nuptial texts, that the union between man and woman must always be understood through the lens of Christ’s union with His Church, so that the secularist worldview that sees in marriage just some ethical and social utilitarianism, without considering the communal aspect and that of loving and reciprocal sacrifice that Christian marriage has, can be successfully fought and overcome.
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