
  • Pr. Conf. univ. dr. Lucian Dîncă Universitatea București, Romania



Incarnation, Christ, Word, identity, dignity, deification, God, theology


Human Identity seen Through the Prism Incarnation of the Word in Athanasius of Alexandria.

Saint Athanasius the Great is known among theologians of the 4th century mainly because of his opposition to the theology promoted by the priest Arius, who claimed that the Son is the first creature of the Father, through whom he created the world. Therefore, we try to present this theology of the Incarnation in the present communication by  insisting on the original points of the athanasien teaching: the reasons for the incarnation of the Word and the spiritual benefits in favour of man. From this exposition emerges the theology of the deification of man through the incarnation of the Word and the dignity of the human nature assumed by the incarnate Word. The Alexandrian bishop  also insists on the knowledge of the true God and on the new identity acquired by man through the mystery of the incarnation of the Word.


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How to Cite

IDENTITATEA OMULUI VĂZUTĂ PRIN PRISMA ÎNTRUPĂRII CUVÂNTULUI LA ATANASIE DE ALEXANDRIA. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(2), 215-238.