value of human being, religious freedom, religious rightsAbstract
The Value of the Human Being as a Precursor to the Manifestation of Religious Freedoms.
In the postmodern society of the 21st century it can be observed that in some areas respect for the value of human beings and the sanctity of human life seems to be lower than in other recent periods of humanity. This decrease should have some direct or indirect causes. In postmodern society this decrease is considered de facto and inevitably leads to the neglect and sometimes the cancellation of some rights of expression of religious freedom. This study looks in part at what are some of the major causes that prevail in postmodern society and what is the biblical position on the value of the human being? Does the individual still have rights and freedoms in such a society, or should they accept the way things are as normal? Can the tendency to treat the human being more and more superficially be beneficial to a „global” society? Can we still speak of a personal individual who has value through what he or she does, models and mentors, or just a „number” in a sea of unimportant individuals? In the Romanian Orthodox context, Dumitru Stăniloae was a personality in the understanding of biblical doctrines and managed to express in a deeper way the value that God gives to the human being. During the Second Vatican Council (1965) a Declaration of Religious Freedom was promulgated which emphasizes the reasons why the human being has value and is therefore worthy of being allowed to act freely in all its manifestations, whether religious or social. This act declared that the value of the human being is paramount and that it is an obligation to provide a context in which man can freely express his religion and will. What, then, should the Church do, for it is the Church who has best understood the value of the human being and the rights that he should have?
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