
  • Pr. Lect. univ. dr. Bogdan Ivanov



human rights, liberty, conscience, dialogue, honesty, truth, humility, progress, religion, values, virtues, religious freedom


Human Values and Virtues, Foundations of Religious Freedom.

Religious freedom naturally presupposes the dialogue between the public space, which preserves neutrality, and the own sphere of each person, who assumes his religious identity. This is not primarily required to recognize the right of every religion to have a public affirmation, although we note that not all religions have or such a vocation. From  this point of view, even if we can affirm that religious freedom is a fundamental human right, like the right to life, education, health, the right to freedom of expression, etc. it only works in societies where there are mechanisms to defend and guarantee such rights and especially where they are not marginalized like others. Such an analysis is more  than necessary, when reaffirming the values that constitute the foundation of religious freedom brings back into discussion the issue of human, philosophical, theological truth, without which religious freedom ends up being a simple volatile and interpretable ideology, depending on needs and whims. By anchoring religious freedom in truth, we  open the possibility for it to find its stability in the face of pressures of all kinds. Perhaps precisely such an approach to the human values that define religious freedom would become an increasingly convincing argument for other cultural and religious spaces of the world to accept or such freedom not as a mark of the Euro-American identity in  which it was born, but as an inalienable human right, the only one that could bring the progress we are all waiting for.


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How to Cite

VALORI UMANE ȘI VIRTUȚI, FUNDAMENTE ALE LIBERTĂȚII RELIGIOASE. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 10(1), 52-63.