Human values, Religious Freedom, human experience, human personalityAbstract
Human Values and Religious Freedom.
Human values are universal and are directly associated with the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of the human personality. They shape human decisions, which in turn shape the course of life itself. Human happiness is the result of the fulfilment of human values in human experience. There is universal agreement that historical religions have played a fundamental role in the genesis of the axiological universe; that human spiritual values depend on belief in a more than human value, namely divine authority. Religion asserts itself to be a more than necessary set of beliefs that help the individual and society to function more effectively in the world of space and time. Society’s recognition of divine authority as the source and guarantor of moral values makes human relations more harmonious. „If God did not exist, he would have to be invented”, said the Jacobin Robespierre himself. The religious attitude in human relations generates the factors that make up the sphere of human values and adds to them the vision of a supernatural finality. A glass of water „in my name” is different from any glass of water. If the meaning of „in My Name” is appreciated, the act of generosity is very likely to happen again, and gives a more permanent benefit to the one who receives it; it unites the two by an invisible bond.
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