national unity, freedom of conscience, love, reality, future, interethnic nationality, interfaith freedom of conscienceAbstract
The Oneness Of The Holy Trinity. Thesis And Parable For Romania’s National Unity
The study reserves its right to a scientific „adventure”, as it analyses God’s behaviour from a human perspective and it states the godly nature of the uman behaviour. It also allows reason and honesty to judge its author, to the detriment of its origins and to the benefit of his future and that of his people. The study avoids historical and theological clichés that underlie any centennial and reserves its right to deal with the most delicate ethnical and historical realities in a transparent, venturous and sometimes harsh way. This study does not represent an exhaustive approach, on the contrary. Seen as a proposal or as a challenge, it proves that concepts like national unity, freedom of conscience, religious pluralism and so on, can be approached following totally different patterns from the preferred ones. Consequently, in the following four short sections, we seek to provide the ones interested in the topic with a paper that integrates scientific research with godly sentiments and human concern and audacity.
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